Why Lawyer Websites SUCK!!!

The ONLY Goal for a Lawyers Website should be to make money. 

The single goal of your website is to get new clients and make more money.  

Yet, most of them are not only not getting new clients and making money but could get the attorney fined and sued. Having a good looking website doesn’t mean anything if they're not getting you new clients.

The #1 reason your attorney website sucks is because you think it’s supposed to be all about YOU. 

You think you're supposed to be the hero of the story!

However your website visitor doesn’t care about you. They don’t care about your ratings, past clients, or education. 

What makes you different when you're all shouting the same stuff?

It’s difficult for a web visitor to tell the difference between an elite lawyer and a crappy one when all your websites are about self-glorification.

It’s not about you!

You're not the hero of this story…

Forget about your fancy law school pedigree and your seven-figure settlements and verdicts. And think about the questions your clients are asking. 

Consider the questions you're tired of answering because the clients keep asking you the same questions over and over again. Think about a unique way those questions can be answered by your website.

Because the second someone finds all the answers they're looking for they’ll stop browsing and your website's goal should be thay they stop browsing and start contacting you. 

Being different from other lawyer websites is the key to standing out from the crowd. 

Make the website visitor the hero of the story and go from obnoxious lawyer speak to a website that's getting clients. 

You never get a second chance to make a first impression.