What is the Best Web Development Framework

Web Development Frameworks

Python vs Ruby vs Javascript vs PHP

Why Backend Frameworks Matter

When you go to a browser like FireFox, Chrome, Internet Explorer, or so on … that browser sends a request to a server, that server puts all the information it's got about that request together in the form of an html page and sends it back to the browser in the form of a web page.

That is the task and 90% of the task remains exactly the same and you don’t want to have to build that part over and over again, nor do you want to have to keep up with the best practices and ways of doing things.

So with any major language a group of people will emerge with the best practices for these things, the things that always remain the same, and then it's called a web framework.

Basically there are one or two big ones for every programming language.

  • Ruby has Ruby on Rails

  • Javascript has Express

  • PHP has Lavrveile

  • Python has Django

And with each framework comes its own philosophies, ideas, and beliefs on how things should be done. So the back-end Web FrameWork is the building blocks that create the 90% of your application that your visitor will never see.

This allows you to focus on the 10% of the website that the visitor will see and ignore the 90% that they will never see.

Frameworks are tools that make it easier to build websites.

And these frameworks have teams of people working on them behind the scenes trying to improve them and make them better, something you would never have time to do on your own.

And since clients never see this part of their site they normally don’t care about it ... but they should.

They should care because some Frameworks are more secure, faster, and flexible than others, this should be taken into account when choosing a Framework.

Popular Back-End Frameworks

Web development frameworks are tools and libraries that help developers build websites fast.

If you look at languages, like you would look at English, Chinese, Hindi, Spanish, or French then WordPress and Shopify are nothing more than stories being told in that language.

Each language has a framework and Frameworks are higher education, like schools and colleges that want to teach you the best practices for telling your story in their language. Frameworks don’t make the languages better but they do help us to get the most out of the language.

Choosing the Right Framework

The choice of the framework can have a significant impact on the performance, scalability, and maintenance of your website. One of the first considerations for choosing a framework is the programming language.

Different frameworks support different programming languages, such as Ruby on Rails for Ruby, Django for Python, and Laravel for PHP.

It is important to choose a language and framework that is suitable for the project requirements and the skills of the development team. Another consideration is the scalability of the framework.

Some frameworks are better suited for small or medium-sized applications, while others are designed for large-scale enterprise  applications. It is important to choose a framework that can handle the expected traffic and data volume of the application.

Java and Security

Web development frameworks, Security, and Java!

Security is a critical aspect of web development, and choosing a framework with built-in security features can help to reduce the risk of security breaches.

Some frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails and Django, include built-in security features such as protection against SQL injection attacks, cross-site scripting (XSS), and cross-site request forgery (CSRF).

However Java was promoted heavily by Oracle, so Java is kind of spewed in how good it really is ... because of all the promotions.

And Java can be a bit of a confusing language, there's a lot of different versions, a lot of different things going on, and you’ve got some versions that are so different from the last version that it requires a total rewrite or recoding of your entire site, to make it work with the newer versions.

Java is NOT as Secure as Django or Ruby.

Java can get complicated, there's a lot going on in there, there's gotta be because there a lot of code being written, it's not clean and with all thats going on inside the code, it makes it easier to make a mistake.

It only takes one mistake to get hacked!

But when it comes to Security PHP is the WORST!

Research shows that PHP has the highest incidence of security flaws, making it an ideal prey for Cyber Criminals. The language has application level vulnerabilities which make it prone to malicious attacks.

PHP was NOT built using the Secure By Design guiding principle – incorporating security features in the software from the ground up so developers do not struggle through trying to secure all the stages of the development process.

All applications & libraries written in PHP have basic security vulnerabilities.

Native functionality is missing, and PHP undermines the safeguarding needed against potential attacks.

Python vs Ruby

Did Python kill Ruby?

When you’ve got thousands of passionate people hacking away at a language they can make it do some pretty cool things. However Ruby is in a steady decline.

And the main reason for that is because Ruby does a lot of things without explaining how, so when there is a problem it takes a lot longer to solve it.

So when Python came along and explained exactly what was going on, a lot of people went to Python from Ruby.

The most popular language currently is Python!

A lot of websites use Python so it has been well tested.

As a matter of fact these are considered some of the fastest and most secure sites online.

  • 1. YouTube

  • 2. DropBox

  • 3. Google

  • 4. Facebook

  • 5. Netflix

  • 6. Quora

  • 7. Instagram

  • 8. Spotify

  • 9. Shuup

  • 10. Reddit

  • 11. Yahoo Maps

  • 12. Hipmunk

  • 13. NASA

  • 14. Washington Post

  • 15. Pinterest

Python is easy to learn, easy to use, it's fast, secure and beats out all the others and it's the reaon we decided to focus all our attention on Django and Python.