Unlocking the Power of High-Ticket Membership Sites: A Path to Million-Dollar Success

Let's say you start a membership site and you're selling a monthly subscription for $999.99.

If you sell 1,000 subscriptions, you're now making a million US dollars per month.

It starts by finding a group of people with a problem, who are willing to pay money for a solution to that problem, and then you come up with a unique solution that will give them a 10x return on the money they invest.

This means for every dollar they spend they’ll get ten dollars in return. If they spend a hundred they get a thousand, if they spend ten thousand they get a hundred thousand.  

Which means...

  1. It has to be measurable.

  2. You have to be able to explain the features, advantages, and benefits in a sentence that a 12 year old would understand.

You then focus all your content around the outcome and the outcome has to be 10 times more valuable than the money they are going to spend. And everything you say has to be about the results they're going to get because if you make it complicated you're going to lose them.

And you have to prove to them that those results would be impossible to get without you.

To make it work you’ll need a highly motivated emotional group of people to sell to.

For example...

A.) People will spend $5,000 for a casket that is buried and never seen again and the person in the casket doesn’t care because they’re gone and can’t see it either.

B.) People will spend $50,000.00 for a car because it has some cool features that they don’t need but they believe it will impress people they most likely don’t even like.

C.) And a lot of people who are making money get stuck in a rut and want to make more money but don’t know how so they’ll spend money to get the information they need to make more money.

2.) Of course even better then this is if you can sell them the tools they need to make money. 

  • If you sell furniture to a furniture store they have to buy your furniture to run their business.
  • Or if you sell food to a restaurant. 
  • Digital marketing tools to digital marketers.
  • Automobile parts to automobile manufacturers.
  • Auto repair tools to auto mechanics. 

3.) And you want to sell to businesses that charge premium prices because if they’re selling for a premium price it will be easier for them to justify buying your product for a premium price.

For example…

A.) If you sell leads to a company and the average customer spends over $10,000.00, like a plastic surgeon, attorney, or roofer. And you sell them qualified leads, and you can generate 300 leads per month and it will only cost you $6,000.00 per month. Then they only have to make one sell out of those 300 leads to get a return on their investment and everything after that is profit.

And you're able to take their business from doing 10 sales per month to doing 16 and they only have to pay you for one customer and now they've gone from doing $100,000 per month to $160,000, because of you, then they will continue to pay month after month. 

And then you can find another surgeon, attorney, or roofer in another town and do the same thing. If you have ten towns now you're making $60,000.00 per month.

You can also sell a class teaching those surgeons, attorneys, or roofers on how to do their own marketing and how to get their own leads. 

Of course you need credibility and the best way to get credibility is by writing a book. An author is seen as an authority. 

You can then sell it for a discount to nonprofits so they can resell it as a fundraiser item.

And at the end of the book you can offer a coaching session for a fee. 

You can also use the social media sites along with the book to build credibility and make yourself into an expert because a lot of times people buy depending on who's making the offer. 

For example if Elon Musk calls you up and says this is Elon and I’ve been looking at your videos and I’m looking for 12 people to help make them a millionaire, chances are you’d be willing to signup without the need for a lot of questioning compared to Joe Blow who you’ve never heard of.