Cost of Bad Code

An attorney will pay upwards of $40 per click, with no guarantee of a sale, for what they hope is a qualified lead.

So let’s say an attorney is spending $1,000 a day on a PPC campaign and getting 1 sale!

To double their income they could double their ad spend or they could increase conversions by just 1%.

One way doubles your budget … the other gives you a competitive advantage!

The #1 way to increase conversions and traffic is by improving page speed.

By improving page speed you make more potential clients happier, and if you don't you turn more clients away. Because according to Google if your site takes just 3 seconds to load you're already losing 53% of your traffic.

Maybe … before an attorney spends more money on advertising and marketing, they should rethink their web design. Because your website should be creating traffic, making money, and converting clients on autopilot.

Your website should be designed to outperform, outrank, outmaneuver, and out-think the competition.

But today all attorney websites look the same, and if you look just like everyone else, then the only place left to compete is on price!

However, if in under .9 milliseconds your site is fully loaded and convincing me that my life would be happier, better, more productive and satisfying if I just had you as my attorney … then it’s no longer about price.

Its Never About Price

The attorney does not have to compete on price with the low cost alternatives to the attorney. They only have to have websites that are as easy to use and are clear on the price.

People are willing to pay more if paying more makes sense.

If your in a grocery store you expect ten bucks will buy you a six pack of beer, but if your in a fancy restaurant you expect to pay more than ten bucks for just one beer.

If you’ve got a splitting headache your willing to pay more for a name brand aspirin, because you don’t want to take a chance with a name you’ve never heard of.

Just look at Apple, it’s all about perception!

In today's world you can’t just “provide a better service”.

Because if you just provide a great service, you’re doing the same thing as your competition. You’ve got to provide a better experience.

And if you don’t provide awesome experiences people will leave bad reviews and bad reviews will put you out of business.

People take for granted that you provide an awesome service.

So it comes down to your web design, content, and harnessing the power of bringing it all together to convince potential clients that their life would be better, richer, and happier if they just had you as their attorney.

It’s about turning your website into a real machine that's able to acquire and retain clients.

And if your site outperforms the competition, it should get more traffic and convert more traffic then the competition!

Giving you a better ROI (return on investment), then your competition.

Allowing you to spend more than your competition, because your website outperforms theirs.