Case Studies and Examples Where Red Can Enhance Conversions

Red is a powerful color that can significantly impact the way people perceive and interact with your website. In this article, we will explore the case studies and examples where red can enhance conversions and provide actionable tips on how to use it effectively.

Case Study 1: Changing Button Color to Red Increases Conversions 21%

In this case study, Performable tested their homepage with two buttons: One was green, and the other was red. They kept the text (Get Started Now!) the same. They found that 21% more people clicked on the red button than the green button.

Case Study 2: Red Color on CTA Increases Conversions 2.5%

UK airline BMI had an urgent CTA that read “Hurry Only XX seats left.” When they added a red background to the CTA, they increased their conversions 2.5%.

Case Study 3: Red Links Convert Better Than Blue Links

Beamax A/B tested to see whether blue links or red links got more clickthroughs. The red link got 53.13% more clickthroughs than blue links.

Case Study 4: Showing Humans Increases Conversions

Visual Website Optimizer did some research to see if using human faces (as opposed to paintings or other images) increased conversions. They found that using human faces increased conversions by a margin of 48% with 5.5% of people clicking.

Case Study 5: Adjustments to Landing Page Results in 232% Increase in Lead Generation Conversion

Open Mile wanted to increase the lead generation rate for their landing page. They made adjustments to the page, including changing the CTA button color from green to red, which resulted in a 232% increase in lead generation conversion.

Case Study 6: Three Experiments Improve Conversion Rates by a Combined 72%

CareLogger ran three experiments to improve conversion rates. They changed their signup button color from green to red, which resulted in a 34% increase in conversions. They also changed the signup button text from “Signup for Free” to “Get Started Now,” which resulted in a 7% increase in conversions.

Case Study 7: Adding Sidebar Improves Conversions 34%

Slideshop wanted visitors to add products to their cart. They tested ways to achieve this. They added a sidebar to their page, which resulted in a 34% increase in conversions.

Tips for Using Red Effectively

  1. Use Red Sparingly: Red can be overwhelming if used too much. Use it sparingly to create a sense of contrast and draw attention to specific elements.
  2. Use Red with Contrast: Use red with a contrasting color to create visual interest and draw attention to specific elements.
  3. Use Red for CTAs: Use red for your CTAs to create a sense of urgency and encourage users to take action.
  4. Use Red for Limited-Time Offers: Use red to create a sense of urgency and highlight limited-time offers.
  5. Use Red for Product Pages: Use red on product pages to create a sense of excitement and encourage users to make a purchase.


Red is a powerful color that can significantly enhance conversions. By understanding the case studies and examples where red can enhance conversions and following the tips provided, you can create a memorable and impactful brand identity that drives conversions.