Why Validate a Site on W3C?

W3C validation is the process of checking a website's code to determine if it follows the formatting standards.

What are the advantages of using W3C standards?

If you fail to validate your website's pages based on W3C standards, your website will most likely suffer from errors or poor traffic owing to poor formatting and readability.

W3C web standards are optimized for interoperability, security, privacy, web accessibility, and internationalization. W3C's proven web standards process is based on fairness, openness, royalty-free, and they make the web work, for everyone!

Professionals write code that meets all the standards and validates so a good website does the same!

Over 97% of websites fail W3C validation!

If a developer does not validate their code, how can they be sure they didn't forget to close a tag?

W3C validation

One of the most important parts of building a website is making sure the code is W3C valid. W3C validation is a process that checks the code of a website to ensure that it meets all the standards set by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

It's the first step in making sure your website is crawable and ADA compliant.

What is W3C Validation?

W3C validation is the process of checking your code for errors!

W3C Validation

W3C validation is a process that checks the code of a website to ensure that it adheres to the standards set by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). This includes checking that the code is syntactically correct, that all elements are properly nested, and that all attributes are used correctly.

W3C validation helps to ensure that the code of a website is consistent, readable, and accessible to all users.

The Benefits of W3C Validation

Improved Accessibility, Improved Search Engine Optimization, Improved Cross-Browser Compatibility, Improved User Experience.

Improved Accessibility

W3C validation helps to ensure that websites are accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. According to a study by the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB), 97% of websites fail to meet the basic accessibility guidelines set by the W3C. W3C validated websites will be easily accessed by people with modern browsers. Validation improves usability and functionality because your users are less likely to run into errors when displayed on browsers compared to non-validated websites.

The W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) develops technical specifications, guidelines, techniques, and supporting resources that describe accessibility solutions. These are considered international standards for web accessibility; for example, WCAG 2.0 is also an ISO standard.

ADA Compliant?

For a website to be ADA compliant, it has to be W3C valid.

W3C Valid to be ADA Compliant!

When websites and web tools are properly designed and coded, people with disabilities can use them. However, currently according to Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB), 97% of websites fail to meet the basic accessibility guidelines set by the W3C.

In simple terms, validation ensures that your website complies with the standards accepted by most web designers. That also means that it will be accessible to more people, across more web browsers and operation systems. Having an accessible website is also regarded as good web design practice.

Improved Search Engine Optimization

W3C validation is positively correlated with search engine rankings.

Search Engine Optimization

A study by Moz found that W3C validation is positively correlated with search engine rankings. Websites that have valid code are more likely to rank higher in search engine results than those that do not. Google announced W3C validated sites rank higher in the search engine results page.

If your content is placed in valid HTML, your chances of ranking are improved.

Cross-Browser Compatibility

W3C validation helps ensure browser compatibility

Improved Cross-Browser Compatibility

W3C validation helps to ensure that websites are compatible with all modern web browsers. A study by W3Schools found that websites with valid code are more likely to display correctly across different browsers.

W3C validated websites will be easily accessed by people with modern browsers. Validation improves usability and functionality because your users are less likely to run into errors when displayed on browsers compared to non-validated websites.

And if something new comes up, if there is a new way of doing something, or if a feature needs to be extended, it should be simple, quick, and easy to add add.

W3C validation Improves User Experience

Validation improves usability and functionality.

Improved User Experience

A study by Jakob Nielsen found that websites with valid code are more likely to provide a positive user experience. This is because valid code is more likely to be rendered correctly by web browsers, which can lead to faster load times and fewer errors.

How can you introduce a website that doesn’t meet all the standards?

A good website should use all the current benefits available in all the languages you are programming in.

How to Validate a Website

W3C provides a free online validation service.

How to Validate Your Website

W3C provides a free online validation service that can be used to check the code of a website for errors. This service can be accessed at https://validator.w3.org/. Developers can also use integrated development environments (IDEs) or code editors that have built-in W3C validation tools.

(RNIB) found that 97% of websites fail to meet the basic accessibility guidelines set by the W3C.

Valid Code

Valid code helps to make sure that code is consistent, readable, and accessible to all users.

What Makes a Good Website

If you are a coder and someone asks you what constitutes good code then you have to say the quality of the code.

The way you establish the quality of the code is that it meets all the standards and doesn’t have any errors. The way you find errors is by validating the code and if you can’t validate the code how can the developer be sure he didn’t forget to close a tag?

A professional writes code that meets all the standards and validates so a good website does the same.