Django Lab Membership Prices

Web Development Pricing Packages



  • Custom analytics integrations?
  • 100% Google's Lighthouse Tool
  • SEO Optimised Architecture
  • Content Management System
  • Initial Content Paint .9
  • Fully Loaded In 1.5
  • Mobile-First Design
  • Friction-free forms
  • Responsive Design
  • Interactive Menu
  • SSL Certificate
  • W3C Valid Code
  • ADA Compliant



  • Everything in Silver + Gold +
  • eCommerce Application Development
  • Custom eCommerce Web Development
  • Users interact with each other
  • On-Page and Technical SEO
  • Existing Website Migration
  • 3rd party API integration
  • Custom Inventory System
  • MVP Localization
  • Add Unlimited # of Items
  • Customise Components
  • Payment system
  • AI Chat Bot

Contact Us

+1 (770) 897-6107

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