For Salons Only!


$599.00 setup fee

  • Custom Website Design

  • Fully Responsive Design

  • Cloud hosted website

  • Website Security

  • Uptime Monitoring

  • Quick & Reliable Support

  • SSL Certificate

  • Website Backups

  • Instant Site Search

  • Breadcrumbs

  • 301 Redirects for previous website

  • ADA, W3C, and WCAG Compliance

  • Standard SEO

  • Technical support

  • Premium URL Structure

  • Easy to use CMS

  • Photo Gallery

  • Custom landing pages

  • 301 Redirects for Previous Websites Pages

  • Content migration

  • Analytics

Choose this plan

$1,500.00 setup fee

  • Everything from Gamma +

  • Custom Blog or News

  • Full eCommerce solution

  • Affiliate Setup

  • Keyword Research & Implementation

  • Photo Gallery

  • Data-Driven Detail Page

  • Data-Driven Search and List Pages

  • Editable details including services and store opening hours

  • Landing Page Development

  • Enhanced SEO

  • Optimized SEO Website Format

  • Dedicated Performance Manager


  • Dynamic “Thank You" Pages After Conversion

  • Dynamic profile pages for clients

  • Video Gallery

  • Customizable Navigation

  • Dedicated Promotions Landing Page

  • Multilingual

Choose this plan

$5,200 setup fee

  • Everything from Gamma + Alpha +

  • Booking System

  • Automate Social Media Posting

  • Fully editable files

  • Conversion Rate Optimization

  • Email marketing – set up, excludes cost to send

  • Dynamic Inventory Search

  • Integrations with 3rd party video inventory feeds

  • Custom form template library

  • Website Submission to Search Engines

  • Testimonial Pages

  • Email Integrates

  • Conversion Rate Optimization

  • Lead Auto Responder

  • Language Translation

  • Custom 12 month marketing calendar

  • Dedicated Marketing Strategist

  • Marketing Automation Set up

  • Newsletter

  • Inventory Management

Choose this plan

$12,999 setup fee

  • Everything from Gamma + Alpha + Omega +

  • Automate Social Media Posting

  • Unlimited downloads

  • Unlock all features from our site

  • Daily content updates

  • Fully editable files

  • Onsite Behavioral Marketing

  • Feed to Social Sites

  • Custom Review Site

  • Reviews & Rankings App

  • Full Booking App

  • Reputation Management Platform

  • Custom Website Analytics

  • Auto-Post to social media sites

  • Marketing Automation

  • Scheduled/Auto publish/unpublish

  • Content sharing via social media

  • Lead Management System

  • Lead Manager

  • Lead Auto Responder Conversion/Lead Booster

  • Advanced Schema SEO

  • SMS Communications platform set up

  • Big Data Record enhancement

  • Predictive Analytics

Choose this plan